hello friends and hackers. 
All of us are on wifi hacking using backtrack, ubuntu, etc etc etc. But most of time we are out of luck. Disappointing?? Yes it is, but i have figured out two easy ways that will work for sure. Here it goes... 

1. 1. Find any MGMNT ssid - universal access password is 0987654321. 
Yes it works most of times but sometimes it doesn't... Ahh not a fault of hacking.. Its due to non-payment of bill on owner side :) try your luck. 
Now second part for those who can't get their luck in first part. 
2. 2. Hidden ssid exploit - many routers transmit 2 ssids 1. Shown but protected 2. Hidden but open. 
To connect with open ssid just add a new wifi in your device and name ssid - SSID2. 
Here airtel is main ssid and protected 
But SSID2 is hidden and with no password.
To add SSID2 - click on + sign in lower right. 
In ssid name simply enter - SSID2 
Type- open 
Click on save. 
When ever any hidden ssid will be in your range your phone will connect to it automatically. 
You just need to keep your wifi turned up and keep searching. 
Good luck guys :)

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